Highland Life & Lore
TÌR - Highland Life & Lore is a musical and visual arts project lead by Highland based duo Brian Ó hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich. The duo have collected and written songs from the Highlands & Islands dealing with both traditional and contemporary subject matter which is still relevant to life in the Highlands today. The subject matter include customs, beliefs and folklife, engagement with our natural environment, emigration and immigration, land reform, and sustainable living.
Over the summer of 2018 Brian Ó hEadhra | Fionnag NicChoinnich recorded the album of twelve songs with Keith Morrison of the Wee Studio in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis and acclaimed musician/composer Mike Vass at GloWorm Recording, Glasgow. Other musicians featuring on the album are Innes White and Anna Murray. Mike Vass co-produced TÌR and help provide the cinematic soundscape which has made this innovative recording stand out sonically and musically. Sound engineer, Iain Hutchison of GloWorm expertly mixed and mastered the album.
The illustration elements of the project were drawn by the talented Highland artist - Rachel Cush of Crafty Marten Art who has used the music to inspire her work and has created a contemporary vision for each song and the project as a whole.
TÌR - nominated for "Album of the Year" at the 2018 International Folk Awards
An Long Èireannach
Bhon Dualchas | Traditional
Tha an t-òran beòthail seo a' sealltainn gu bheil ceanglaichean làidir againn le Èirinn, Ameireagaidh agus dùthchannan eile.
This is a clapping song which was sung towards the end of the waulking (preparation) of the tweed by women around a long table. The Irish galley is descended from Viking longboats and has a sail with twelve oarsmen.
O cò bheir mi leam air an luing Èireannaich
O cò bheir mi leam
Dol a dh’America null air an luing Èireannaich
Tormod am bàrr a’ chroinn
Dòmhnall Iàin air an stiùir
Gille smioral ‘s am beil suim
'S aithne dha àmhuilt an t-siùil
An ailm fo achlais an t-suinn
Leannan Màiri ‘n Aonghuis duinn
Leannan cruinneag a’ chinn chruim
Chan innis mi ainm idir dhuibh
Chi mi i caogadh a sùil
Théid sinn uile a-null
O who will take me on the Irish galley
O who will take me
Going across to America on the Irish ship
Tormod at top mast
Dòmhnall Iain steering
The powerful lad who has respect
He knows the way of the sail
The tiller under the oxter of the hero
Beloved Màiri of brown haired Aonghas
Beloved bonny lass of the fine features
I won't say the name to you
I see her winking her eye
We'll all go abroad
Deus Auribus | Glèidh m' Anama
Faclan bhon Dualchas | Words Traditional
Ceòl le | Music adapted from tradition by Fionnag NicChoinnich
Tha daoine air a bhith a' teicheadh bho gheur-leanmhainn agus cunnart bho riamh. Gu mì-fhortanach, tha e fhathast a’ tachart san latha an-diugh.
Deus Auribus is the Latin psalm 44. Fiona sang this song in the film Outlaw King set in ancient Scotland. Glèidh m' Anama, from the Carmina Gadelica collection, is a Gaelic prayer for protection and safe passage.
Deus auribus nostris audivimus
Patres nostri adnuntiaverunt nobis
Opus quod operatus es in diebus eorum in diebus antiquis
Manus tua gentes disperdit et planteisti eos
Glèidh m' anama; glèidh m' anama
Glèidh mi anmoch
Glèidh mi moch
Glèidh mi nòin
An cùrsa garbha
Còmhn' is tèarmaid
Mo shealbh a-nochd
Tha mi sgìth is clì is cearbach
Dìon mi o chealg 's o lochd
We have heard, o God, with our own ears
Our fathers have announced to us the work that you wrought in their days
And in the days of antiquity
Your hand dispersed the Gentiles, and you transplanted them
You afflicted a people, and you expelled them
Shield my soul, protect my soul
Protect me at eventide
Protect me in the morn
Protect me at noontide
On rough course
Aid and give sanctuary
To me this night
I am tired, astray and stumbling
Defend me from treachery and fault
Beannaich a Thriath nam Flath Fial
Faclan bhon dualchas | Words Traditional
Ceòl le | Music by Brian Ó hEadhra
Mar a tha fios againn, tha mòran chreutairean draoidheil agus iongantach a' fuireach ann an glinn agus mòintichean na dùthcha againn. Tha e an-còmhnaidh math urnaigh a bhith agad air eagal ‘s gum bi thu feumach air.
This is a prayer for protection we found in the collection of folklore - Ortha nan Gàidheal/Carmina Gadelica, collected by Alexander Carmichael in the 1800's.
Beannaich, a Thriath nam flath fial
Mi fèin 's gach sìon a ta na m' chòir
Beannaich mi nam uile ghnìomh
Dèan mi tèarainte ri m' bheò
Dèan mi tèarainte ri m' bheò
Bho gach gruagach is ban-sìth
Bho gach mì-rùn agus bròn
Bho gach glaistig is ban-nìgh
Gach luch-sìth agus luch-feòir
Gach luch-sìth agus luch-feòir
Bho gach fuath bhiodh feadh nam beann
Bho gach greann bhiodh teann d' am thoir
Bho gach uruisg measg nan gleann
Teasraig mi gu ceann mo lò
Teasraig mi gu ceann mo lò
Bless, O Chief of generous chiefs
Myself and everything anear me
Bless me in all my actions
Make thou me safe forever
From every brownie and banshee
From every evil wish and sorrow
From every nymph and water-wraith
From every fairy-mouse and grass-mouse
From every troll among the hills
From every siren hard pressing me
From every ghoul within the glens
Oh, save me till the end of my day
Cha Bhith mi Buan
Bhon Dualchas | Traditional
Tha gràdh cumhachdach, gu sònraichte aig aois òg, mar a chluinneas sinn anns an òran seo.
A waulking song of young love and powerful emotions.
Cha bhi mi buan ’s tu bhith bhuam
Thug mi luaidh òg dhut
Cha bhi mi buan ’s tu bhith bhuam
Chì mi ’m bàta dol seachad
Muir a’ sgapadh na bòrdan
Mura deachaigh mi mearachd
Bha mo leannan ga seòladh
Bha mo leannan ga stiùireadh
Òigear ùr a’ chùil bhòidhich
Òigear ùr a’ chùil bhuidhe
O, b’ aithne dhomh òg thu
’S e do bhòidichean fada
’S ghaol, a Lachlainn, a leòn mi
O, nam faicinn thu tighinn
’S mi gu ruitheadh nad chòmhdhail
’S mi gu ruitheadh na do choinneimh
Air mo bhonnan gun bhrògan
Ged tha reothadh glè chruaidh ann
’S sneachda fuar air a’ mhòine
I will not last while you are away from me
I gave my young love to you
I will not last while you are away from me
I see the boat going by
The sea scattering about her sides
If I’m not mistaken
My sweetheart was sailing her
My sweetheart was steering her
The fair young man of the beautiful hair
The fair young man of the yellow hair
O, I’ve known you since I was young
It is your lasting vows
And your love, Lachlann, that have afflicted me
O, if I should see you coming
I would run to meet you
I would run to meet you
On the soles of my bare feet
Though there’s a very hard frost
And cold snow on the moor
In Ò
Faclan 's Ceòl le | Words & Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich
Seo amhran gaolach le beagan fhaclan ach mòran fhaireachdainn.
An emotive song on an awakening love.
In ò, hò rò
Hoirinn eile o, hò rò
In ò, hò ro
Hoirinn eile o
Lorg mi an-dè, an-dè, an-dè
Lorg mi an-dè mo bheatha nad shùil
Chunna mi ‘n uair sin, ‘n uair sin, n’ uair sin
Chunna mi ‘n uair sin thusa ri m’ thaobh
Chunna mi an fhìrinn, an fhìrinn, an fhìrinn
Chunna mi an fhìrinn glaiste nad shùil
Chuala mi dàn, dàn, dàn
Chuala mi dàn, ‘s mise ri d’ thaobh
I found yesterday, yesterday, yesterday
I found yesterday my life in your eyes
Then I saw, I saw, I saw,
Then I saw you by my side
I saw the truth, the truth, the truth
I saw the truth locked in your eyes
I heard a poem, a poem, a poem,
I heard a poem and I by your side
Anam - YouTube - In Ò
Faclan 's Ceòl le | Words & Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich
Tha feachdan impireach Bhreatainn air a bhith a' cleachdadh agus a' sgainnirich ar daoine agus ar fearainn fad linntean. Feumaidh sinn a bhith mothachail air na dòighean olc a th’ aca.
'Operation Cauldron' was a series of secret biological warfare trials carried out by the British Government in 1952 off the N.E coast of Lewis. Search 'Operation Cauldron', 'Operation Dark Harvest', ‘Gruinard Island' and 'Obanaghoro Nigeria Testing' to find out more about the subject matter of this song.
Salt and sea blows through the air
A new cloud will form a darkness there
The cry of gull in its despair
When 'Ben Lomond' comes we’ll taste their fear
'Carella', won’t you turn away
To seek out your finds in waters clear
For what was once the island’s pride
Now seeps dark sorrow with the tide
The masks of guilt to hide your face
The wind that blew with chance of fate
Your monkey blood washed on the shore
Now Tolsta’s bloom is pure no more
'Porton Down', you’ve called our name
Your secrets of shame burn deep within
The death and pain you brought us near
Obanaghoro can you hear
The Isle of Gruinard weeps through time
The devil has landed with his mines
With anthrax soil you're past repair
The wrath of the people; 'Dark Harvest' is here
Togamaid Bothan
Faclan 's Ceòl le | Words & Music by Brian Ó hEadhra
Tha cleachdadh agus seilbh fhearainn gu math cudromach an-diugh. Tha mòran obrach ri dhèanamh gus leigeil leinn ath-cheangal a dhèanamh ris an àrainneachd dhùthchail againn fhìn.
Inspired by the Norwegian hutting movement as well as by Scottish initiatives such as 'A Thousand Huts', Brian wrote this song to celebrate this return of the people to the land and to nature.
Thigibh, togamaid bothan sa choille sa ghleann
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Far am faigh sinn fois aotrom bho smuaintean tha trom
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Fad fad às a' bhaile, taobh siar is ceann thall
Air làrach cruinn lurach far an togadh sinn fonn
Bidh na h-oidhcheannan goirid is ar n-iomagain gann
Bidh na boisean a' bualadh a' bhùird leis gach rann
Agus togaidh sinn glainne dar muinntir 's dar clann
Tha an saoghal cruaidh an àirigh air falbh san sgleò
'S ann leinn-ne am fearann is cumar e beò
Come, let us build a bothy in the forest in the glen
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Where will we get a reprieve from heavy thoughts
Air fail e li leo, air fail e li leo
Far from the town, to the west, over yonder
On a wee camp where we'd have a tune
The nights will be short and our worries few
The hands will beat the tables with every verse
And we will raise a glass to our people and to our children
The hard life of the sheiling is gone in the mist
We own the land and we will keep it alive
Iomraibh Eutrom
Bhon Dualchas | Traditional
Tha e iongantach an obair chruaidh a dh'fheumadh na Gàidheil a dhèanamh anns na bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh. Ged a tha na làithean sin seachad, bu chòir dhuinn cuimhneachadh air daoine bho phàirtean eile den t-saoghal a tha fhathast a' fulang le droch staid obrach.
In the not too distant past, life for many in the Highlands and Islands was precarious, especially for those harvesting food from the sea.
Iomairibh eutrom ho o
Huraibh eile hoireanan
Iomairibh eutrom ho o
Chaidh a' bhanarach dhan tràigh
Dèanamh rud nach dèanadh càch
Bhuain a' mhaoraich ri muir làn
Bhrist i cas is gheàrr i làmh
Dheoghail 's gun dheoghail i sàl
Row lightly ho o
The dairymaid went to the beach
She did something others wouldn't
Gathering mussels at full tide
She broke her leg and cut her hand
She drank and drank seawater
Tobar an Dualchais
2004 Morecambe Bay Tragedy - Wikipedia
Chan Ann Ach Thu |
Mo Chraobh Ùbhla Dhubh
Mo Chraobh Ùbhla Dhubh
Chan Ann Ach Thu - Faclan 's Ceòl le | Words & Music by Brian Ó hEadhra
Mo Chaobh Ùbhla Dhubh - Bho Dhualchas | Traditional
Seo dà òran eadar-dhealaichte a tha a' measgachadh chuspairean ùra agus traidiseanta.
The first of these two songs addresses the stresses of modern life and the need to find balance in mind, body and spirit. The second song is somewhat more ambiguous in its message.
Chan ann ach thu, chan ann ach thu
Bho bhonn gu bàrr, aig deireadh an latha
Chan ann ach thu
Nuair a bhios do làithean làn
Is chì thu d' fhaileas sa' sgàthan àrd
Aig a' bhòrd le planaichean mòr'
Le dòchas ann, an aghaidh an t-sruth
Nuair a bhios do spiorad fann
Cuimhnich do chridhe is tog do cheann
'S iomadh brath ag ionnsaigh ort
Cum d' ùine fhèin airson do shlàint'
Ag òl is ag ith' is ag ith is ag òl
'S e 'n tagh agad fhèin bho latha gu latha
Mo chraobh ùbhla dhubh ghaolach thu
Mo chraobh ùbhla dhubh o ho
Tha ise 's fearann saor aice
Tha gobhair is crodh laoigh aice
Tha buidheann mhòr de chaoraich aic'
Tha ise 's fearann saor aice
Tha gobhair is crodh laoigh aice
Tha buidheann mhòr de chaoraich aic'
'S ged tha sùilean claon aice
Chan eil san gill' ach slaodanach
There's only you, there's only you
From bottom to top, at the end of the day,
There's only you
When your days are full
And you see your reflection in the high mirror
At the table with big plans
Full of hope, against the tide
When your spirit is weak
Remember your heart and lift your head
Multiple messages overpowering you
Manage your time for the sake of your health
Drinking and eating and eating and drinking
It's your decision day to day
My darling lovely black apple tree
You are my lovely black apple tree
She is the owner of freehold land
She has goats and calves and cattle
She has a great herd of sheep
She is the owner of freehold land
She has goats and calves and cattle
She has a great herd of sheep
But although she has squint eyes
The lads are nothing but slowcoaches
Faclan 's Ceòl le | Words & Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich
Tha daoine air a bhith a' tighinn is a' falbh bhon dùthaich againn bho riamh. Bidh luchd-imrich fhathast a' tighinn a dh'Alba is tha sinne a' cur fàilte romhpa.
This song was written about Italian migrant Maria who came to Scotland in the late 1800's with her husband Salvadore. Her life story was told to Fiona by her granddaughter, Andrea. A portrait of Maria, which was the initial inspiration for the song, is kept in the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery collection.
A million new faces to my eyes - Maria
A stolen heart, a purple gown - Mo chridhe
A scorching sun to this cold ground - Cara mia
A father’s love, a whispered plan
Turn me around and let in the light
Open the door to my life
Five blooms flying through the storm - Maria
Carries us on and makes us strong - Mo chridhe
Another world held back by fear - Cara mia
A ship now laid deep down in the dark
Turn me around and let in the light
Open the door to my life
The Highlands Support Refugees
Italian Scots - Wikipedia
Inverness Museum & Art Gallery
Tha Mi Dol Dhachaigh Leat
Faclan bhon Dualchas | Words Traditional
Ceòl le | Music by Brian Ó hEadhra
Lorg sinn na faclan treun seo san leabhar Ortha nan Gàidheal.
This Gaelic funeral song has strong imagery and offers comfort to the mourners and departed soul.
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
Gu do thaigh; gu do thaigh
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
Gu do thaigh geamhraidh
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
Gu do thaigh; gu do thaigh
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
Go do thaigh foghair is earraich is samhraidh
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
A leanaibh mo luaidh
Dha do leaba bhiodh-mhaireann
Dha do chadal bhiodh-bhuan
Tha mi dol dhachaigh leat
A leanaibh mo luaidh
Gu macan nam beannachd
Gu athair nam buadh
I am going home with thee
To thy home; to thy home
I am going home with thee
To thy home of winter
I am going home with thee
To thy home; to thy home
I am going home with thee
To thy home of autumn, of spring, of summer
I am going home with thee
Thou child of my love
To thine eternal bed
To thy perpetual sleep
I am going home with thee
Thou child of my love
To the dear son of blessings
To the father of grace
Carmina Gadelica - Wikipedia
Edinburgh University Carmichael Watson Collection
Mar an Fhiadh
Faclan le | Words by Brian Ó hEadhra
Ceòl le | Music by Fionnag NicChoinnich
Tha an t-òran seo a' cleachdadh ìomhaighean nàdair bhon Ghàidhealtachd airson ar brosnachadh aig amannan bròin.
Written for Fiona's mother, Alison, this song speaks of the strength we seek in times of sadness and loss.
Mar an fhiadh a bhios mi
Mar bhan-dia a bhios mi
Mar ghuthan nam mìltean
A' seinn gu h-àrd, gu treun
Bheir mise sùil air an t-saoghal le sùilean ùra
Duisgidh mi bho m' aisling agus seasaidh mi gu h-àrd
Bidh mi cruaidh mar chloich is bog mar bhùrn
Leughaidh mi an tìr mar na gaisgaich a chaidh
Èistidh mi ris na craobhan a lùbas sa ghaoith
Is gheibh mi neart bhon ghrèin gach là
Fuirichidh mi san dè, san diugh is san màireach
Is cha bhi an t-eagal orm ro olcas sam bith
Gabhaidh mi am fulangas a thig le bròn
Agus cumaidh mi slàn nam anam is bodhaig
Ruithidh mi ris an treud ach seasaidh mi nam aonar
'S bidh mi stolta mar neòinean sa mhàgh
Like the deer, I will be
Like a goddess, I will be
Like voices of the thousands
Singing loudly, strongly
I will look upon the world with a new vision
I will awake from my slumber and stand tall
I will be hard like a rock and soft like water
I will read the land like the heroes of old
I will listen to the trees that sway in the wind
And I will gain strength from the sun each day forever
I will live in the yesterday, today and the morrow
And I will fear no evil
I will endure suffering that comes with sadness
And I will nurture my spirit and my body
I will run with the herd but I will stand alone
I will be still like a daisy on the plain
We were honoured to receive a beautiful translation of this work into Swedish by the acclaimed South Saami poet and academic Johan Sandberg McGuinne.
Likt renen skall jag leva mitt liv,
likt en gudinna,
likt de tusendes ekande röster,
de som fyller luften med sin styrka
Jag skall betrakta jordens alla under med nyvunna ögon,
likt en som väckts ur sin dvala skall jag möta livet
Jag skall vara hård som granit, mjuk som rinnande vatten;
jag skall tolka landets sånger likt våra myters hjältar,
Jag skall hörsamma de svajande trädens budskap,
och dagligen fyllas av solens livgivande styrka
Jag skall stå stadigt rotad i vår dåtid, vår nutid och vår framtid,
och ondskans mörker skall aldrig få mig att darra av skräck
Jag skall rakryggad bära sorgens smärta,
och finna ro och förtröstan för min kropp och själ,
Jag skall följa renflockens vandringar, men i min egen takt,
min själ en ensam tusensköna som växer i stillhet på hedarna.
Celtic Mythology - Wikipedia